Thursday, February 19, 2009


SM-Universal Encoder Plus

Additional combined encoder input and output interface supporting Incremental, SinCos, HIPERFACE, EnDAT and SSI encoders

The SM-Universal Encoder Plus module provides the drive with an additional feedback port with the same functionality as the base drive, supporting:

* SinCos with Commutation
* Quadrature Incremental
* Pulse and Direction

The option module also provides a simulated encoder output that can be programmed to operate in the following modes:

* Quadrature Incremental
* Pulse and Direction

The module also incorporates high speed inputs for position capture.

SM-Encoder Output PlusNEW

Incremental encoder input and output option module to enable connection with external motion controllers

SM-Encoder Plus

Incremental encoder input option module


Resolver option module for robust feedback in demanding environments

This module enables the drive to measure the speed and position of motors and machines fitted with resolvers. Due to their ruggedness, resolvers are often used in hot, demanding environments. The option module also offers a simulated incremental encoder output.


SLM option module for integration with SLM enabled motion controllers


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